As a certified BIG TIME scaredy cat when it comes to hair cuts, I am super appreciative of review websites that help me make a decision when new to an area, so here I am.  It had been well over a year since my last cut, and after a horrible slashing of my hairs 3 years ago, I can sheepishly admit that cut a year ago was one of only two since the bad cut.  Might explain my lifeless hair! While my ‘do was the longest it had ever been in my life, and something I’d always wanted….as a kid my hair was kept super short because apparently insanely thick hair and a child who can’t sit still for brushing makes for a Mom who won’t allow length, I began to realize that I needed at least to get rid of some dead ends and thin out the unruly mess, or at most just go for it and have a chop.

Enter the awesome Alex and her wee little salon.  She was incredibly patient with me, had great suggestions, and truly made me feel confident that I made the right random choice of salons.   I ended up getting at least 7 inches off the front and closer to nine in the back.  I left with an adorable graduated bob that I friggin LOVE.    Her prices are more than reasonable, and you can be totally confident that you’re in excellent hands.